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The Frenum
Frenum is a piece of soft tissue that runs in a line between, and connects, the lips and gums.
In some circumstances, this tissue pulls on the gum tissues, making it harder to clean. It could also lead to the development of gum recession.
In the upper teeth specifically, the frenum could be very thick and related to midline gaps (called diastema) between the middle teeth. Hence, your orthodontist may ask for this tissue to be removed, sometimes before and sometimes after orthodontic treatment. This is done to help in preventing the midline gaps from reforming again.
The Periodontists specialise in all kinds of dental and gum-based surgeries
The Frenectomy Procedure
During the frenectomy procedure, the periodontist will perform steps to remove or modify the frenulum. The process typically involves making a small incision in the frenulum to release it or using a laser to remove the tissue. This will be followed by a few stitches to tie the tissue up in where it needs to be. Usually, the whole procedure takes between 20 to 30 minutes. If stitches are needed, we use dissolving stitches that fall out in two to three weeks on their own.