Bone Graft
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Jaw Bone Quality for Implant Placement
Tooth extraction usually causes bone shrinkage at the site of extraction. In addition, the longer the time lapsed since extraction, the more bone shrinkage we find. This can leave us with insufficient bone volume for implant placement.
Bone grafts are used to increase the bone volume and build the site for receiving dental implants. Dental implants can be placed then either at the same time of grafting or at a later time, depending on the present bone volume and the amount of grafting required.
There are different kinds of bone grafts that we can use. Some of it can be taken from other sites from the same patients. Others are sourced from cadavers or are off bovine (taken from cows). All the bone grafts we use are Therapeutic Guidelines Administration (TGA) Approved and are extremely safe for dental use.
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Improving the Jaw Bone Quality Before Implant Placement
If the tooth that requires extraction has not been removed yet, we sometimes prefer to place a bone graft in the space of extraction immediately after the tooth extraction. This procedure is called “alveolar ridge preservation” or “socket preservation”. It aims to preserve as much of the present bone and reduce the potential of bone loss after the extraction, allowing for better implant position at placement.
If the tooth has already been extracted and there is not enough for implant placement, the bone must be re-built either prior to, or during the implant placement procedure. This procedure of bone grafting is called “guided bone regeneration” or “GBR”.